

The Hubs and I ventured out to Goodwill over the weekend.  The thing about Goodwill is that it doesn't make me think good thought or say good words.  Sure, it makes for great people watching but I always leave feeling angry.  We found a hideous ceramic piece that we will present to my Dad for Father's Day and he will love it to pieces because it is hilarious...more on that later.  We also found a cheap smelly, funk nasty chair that we snatched up for our office space.  More importantly, we saw the Horse Country version of the Duggar family and the mother of the bunch was about to catch the wrath of yours truly.  Behold the disgusting chair-
cheapo chair BEFORE

cheapo chair AFTER
I wish that you could tell in the after photo that we painted it "LaFonda" orange.  I swear, the color really is called LaFonda...I can't make this stuff up!  For those of you who don't find the word "LaFonda" funny, I urge you to find a copy of Napolean Dynamite and watch it promptly. 

The chair was a steal at 6 bucks, I got a yard long fabric remnant from Hobby Lobby for 10 bucks (that I used maybe 1/4 of) and the spray paint was just over 3 bucks...not too shabby!  As we all know, I have a mild obsession with complimentary colors so I am dying over the orange and blue combo.

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