
8 Years

Today marks 8 fabulous years of married life for the Hubs and I.  We celebrated with dinner and a trip to the mall to purchase some maternity jeans...romantic, huh?  It wasn't planned out or over the top but it was perfect because we were together.


Marina said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Y'all make a great couple!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations! You are such a wonderful couple. Now there's gonna be a mini Squitty. How perfect! Love ya.

House of Squitty said...

Thanks you guys!

Mary Beth said...

8 years! amazing!!!
I remember shopping with kevin 1 time for maternity clothes (that was the ONLY time) I bought a green dress that was a medium and it fit me perfectly when i hadn't gained any weight, but by the time i had a belly enough to wear the dress it was too tight