
You So Crazy...I Think I Wanna Have Yo Baby

Well here's what I look like at 34 weeks.  There's no denying that I am pregnant at this point.  I don't mind the attention though, I find that I get preferential treatment wherever I go these days.  Trying to cross traffic?  No problems if you've got me in tow...everyone stops to let me through.  Hungry?  You will get your food in no time and lots of it!  Don't want to wait in line for the bathroom?  People always ask me if I want to cut in line so I can go before them.  I don't take them up on it but it's restored my faith in humanity.

So, six more weeks to go.  This little lady seems to be growing like a weed.  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and I am anticipating that they will tell me that I finally gained weight...it sure feels like it anyway!  And, the stomach area isn't looking so hot these days.  Hubby asked me yesterday if my stomach skin hurt because this seems to have occurred overnight, so tonight he spent an embarrassing amount of dough buying me creams.  In the words of En Vogue "Whatta man, whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man."  You've got that song stuck in your head now, right?  You're welcome!


Emily W said...

Cory always felt so badly about my stretch marks. Even though I always said they didn't hurt, he always worried they did. I hope everything goes well Tuesday! Hooray for only 6 more weeks!

Mary Beth said...

Tiffany, you seriously are perfectly pregnant. It looks SO "right" on you!