
Paying It Forward

We went to the grocery store to get needed items for our assigned dishes for Thanksgiving.  Like so many times, we are too tired/hungry after doing the actual shopping that we went to a drive-thru to grab some dinner. We were waiting behind a silver SUV in the drive-thru line for a few minutes and then it drove away.  We then proceeded to the drive-thru window where we were informed that the car ahead of us had paid for our meal, and that the generous person asked the cashier to relay the message to "pay it forward".  We were in complete and utter shock, we both have heard of this happening to people before but have never been on the receiving end.  We then told the cashier to please allow us to pay for the persons meal behind us.

It felt appropriate to let her enjoy a french fry from our free meal...she was a very satisfied customer!

Free food!
The Hubs and I were discussing the impact of such a simple act.  That person completely made our day, I'm sure I'll think of that act often...it was so unexpected and so generous for a complete stranger to pay for our dinner.  The person behind us hopefully felt the love from us, and all of the employees in that fast food restaurant thought that the whole thing was so cool.  We talked to about 4 of the employees there and they were grinning from ear to ear- all from some sweet person paying for our dinner!  I seriously cannot get over how awesome that experience was.  To the stranger that paid for our food at Rush's tonight- Thank you for reminding me that there is so much good in the world, there really is.  Pay it forward people!

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