
4 Month Check Up

Lo had her 4 month check up this week.  Here are her latest stats-
Height: 25.5 inches (84%)
Weight: 16.2 pounds (82.7%)
Head Circumference: 42.2 centimeters (87.2%)

Poor little lady had 2 shots, 1 oral immunization and her ears pierced at the same time.  She was not happy with me or anybody else for that matter!  She didn't get a nap before her appointment and we waited so long that she got hungry so it wasn't a good morning for her.  She kind of grumbled and expressed her displeasure about the appointment in the car for about 3 or 4 minutes afterwards and then she passed out!  Hubby asked me to send him a picture of her new earrings when we got out so I snapped this pitiful shot and realized after I got in the drivers seat that you can't see the earrings from her cheeks.

You can kind of see them in this picture, just little diamond studs.  She never seemed bothered by them after the initial piercing.  I cleaned them while bathing her that afternoon and she didn't flinch.  I'm relieved that they are done and she nor I will ever have to worry about that again.  And the best part, she'll never remember that day!

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