
The Birth Of Our Baby

On our way in to the hospital.  My last pregnancy picture-39 weeks.
 It was still dark outside when I woke on that anticipated Tuesday morning. I checked my phone for the time, it read 6:30 AM. I could hear the birds singing outside heralding in the first day of spring and my husband, who to my surprise, was sound asleep. I couldn't sleep anymore, I had to pee! Not at all shocking considering I had reached that point in pregnancy where I had to pee about every ten minutes. I remember thinking to myself that soon enough I would have my bladder back! I jumped in the shower and then did my makeup as quietly as I could as to not wake up the husband. I checked and rechecked the hospital bag and did any last minute tidying of the house before finally waking Hubby at 5 after 8. He got up and got in the shower while I blow dried and flat ironed my hair. I figured I wouldn't get to shower for a few days (I was wrong about that) so I wanted to look and feel good. After hubby was dressed we grabbed our bags and left for the hospital. It was a beautiful sunny day and I noticed backing down the drive that our azaleas had started to bloom.I had been fasting since midnight (doctors orders) but I wanted to make sure that Hubby got something to eat. We stopped at Bojangle's and got him some breakfast and gased up my car then it was a mad dash for the hospital. We checked in to labor and delivery at 9:30 where they had been expecting us. Barbara, our nurse, took us back into holding area number 5 where I changed into my hospital issued gown, gave my medical history, got my IV that I had been dreading, and made other necessary preparations prior to surgery. I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and the nurse informed me that i was contracting every 3 minutes. That was news to me, I didn't feel a thing! I was dilated 3 centimeters and contracting every 3 minutes. The doctor the day before told me that baby girl was coming on the 20th one way or the other but she was relieved that the c-section was already scheduled. Hubby was given scrubs, a hat and booties to change into for the operating room.

All decked out in our hospital attire.
The anesthesiologist came by and made sure we didn't have any questions. The surgery was scheduled for 11:30 but the doctor the day before said it looked like I could be taken back earlier if all went well. Well, 11:30 came and went. At that point my sister was with Hubby and I in the holding area. Hubby had requested her there to keep him entertained and distracted while he was alone when I was getting prepped in the OR. Around noon Barbara told me that the doctor was finally on his way, he had an emergency that he got tied up with...a tubal pregnancy. I honestly had no concept of time at that point. I had no idea that it was a good bit past 11:30. The doctor came by and asked if I was ready and if we had any questions and then I was wheeled off to the operating room that was literally behind the wall I had been sitting beside for 2 and 1/2 hours. Barbara was there with me the whole time as my moral support...that woman is an angel. The anesthesiologist and his assistant (who stayed with me too and was a trip) had a hard time finding the spot for the spinal. I don't remember exactly how many times I was poked and stuck but it was A LOT. I sported a large bruise with lots of tiny scabs on my back for over a week afterwards. I was hunched over on the operating table scared out of my mind, holding Barbara's hand trying to remind myself to breathe through the intense pain that came from the spinal being inserted into the wrong place time after time. They finally found my "sweet spot" and I was feeling good and numb in no time. I remember feeling a weird warm and fuzzy feeling that went from my waist and down my legs to my toes. The room was bustling with activity as the doctor came in, 2 students, the neonatologist and nurses from the nursery, the operating assistant and, of course, Barbara and the anesthesiologists assistant. Once I was completely prepped and the sheet came up Hubby was let in. I kept asking him if he was okay and he would ask if I was okay. We were laughing and joking with the doctor and nurses. We all teased one of the students because she announced that she was a fainter and had never seen a surgery before. I assured her that I had seen a c-section on video before and it wasn't that bad. Because the students were there we got a play by play from the doctor about what he was doing at all times which was pretty cool. Hubby didn't find it as fascinating but I honestly think I would have been okay watching it if that had been offered to me. After a few minutes we heard him say that he was getting close. Then he commented about how crammed in the baby was and that she was coming out butt first. And the the most magical moment of any new parents life, the sweet sound of a crying baby. We both cried tears of joy and relief just knowing that she was healthy and finally here.
Our first time seeing our daughter.
The doctor announced to Hubby to have his camera ready and then we got a peek at our new baby girl over the curtain. Hubby said "she looks like my Dad" and I said "she doesn't look like anything I was expecting". Hubby had already told the nurses that he didn't want to see ANYTHING so one of the nurses came and got him and escorted him with his back to the operating table over to the baby. She got cleaned off and swaddled and a nurse brought her to me.
Our first family picture.
The anesthesia nurse took our camera and got our picture. They let me look at her and give her a kiss before she was whisked off with her Daddy to the nursery.
Getting printed.

I was in the OR for probably another 20 minutes getting put back  together. The 2 students came around when the doctor was almost done and told me congratulations and that they both cried when she came out because they had never seen a baby being born and how special it was. I was wheeled out into recovery area number 3 where Barbara got me settled. I was left alone for a few minutes and I just lay there trying to remember what my baby looked like. My sister came in because she didn't want me to be alone and I was so glad that she did. We talked about what everyone's reaction was. Gigi was concerned about my well being so the nurse said that she would allow her to come back for a minute. My sister left and sent Gigi in with my Dad for a short visit before Dad had to get back to work and Bab and Gigi had to go get the other kids from school. Hubby came in wheeling our little baby girl in her bassinett. We were able to have a moment together just looking at our beautiful daughter. Then more visitors- Grandma and Grandpa from Hubby's side, then my Mom and then our BFF Heather.Before I knew it, my hour and a half in recovery was over and I was loaded up with all of our bags and flowers and wheeled into my room.

My first time holding my daughter.

One proud Papa! 

Getting settled in to our room.


Heath said...

I just want you to know that I cried reading this post, even though I was there and already knew everything that happened!
I know that I say it a lot, but I'm so happy for you and the Mister. I love you both so much!

Meg said...

Yay, I love this post and the sweet pictures!!